Wood Burning Stoves, the Forestry Industry, and the Environment

Much has changed about wood-burning stoves and the forestry industry in the last hundred years. Unfortunately, the opinions of many people have yet to catch up with the modern-day realities of these industries. Both forestry and wood stoves have evolved over time to become allies of the environment.

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Wood-burning stoves haven’t historically been much a friend to nature, but today there are clean-burning, high-efficiency wood heating systems available that are actually one of the greenest ways to heat your home.

Traditional wood boilers have recently come under regulation by the US EPA. Unfortunately, according to the EPA, of the 12 million wood stoves in America, 9 million of them are older, non-EPA certified, inefficient stoves that have caused so much air pollution in the past. These old stoves waste about 60% of the wood burned in them, and much of that unburned carbon goes into our atmosphere, meaning that not only are these stoves polluting the air with unburned particles, but they’re also causing problems like asthma, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, or even premature death. Further, because these old stoves are inefficient, they require far more firewood to operate and waste precious forest resources. Modern wood boilers, conversely, use almost 90% of the energy in wood, burning cleaner and only require several logs a couple times per day, and they emit drastically fewer pollutants.

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The forestry industry has an unfair reputation for destroying our woodlands—in fact, for the last several decades, logging has been at the front of replanting, restoring, and caring for our forests.

Gone are the days when foresters were clear-cutting regions of old-growth forest and leaving fields of stumps behind. The timber industry has realized that in order to survive, they must be sustainable, and three quarters of the trees planted today are from forest product companies and private timberland owners. Though they still clear-cut, the land is always replanted, and the new saplings are able to grow more quickly because they aren’t competing with older trees for sunlight or nutrients. Cutting down swaths of dead or infected trees is also crucial for preventing forest fires from spreading quickly, and allows new healthy growth room to prosper. Because of these modern forest industry practices, our forest lands are actually expanding. Today we actually have much more forest than we did 70 years ago, and they continue to grow.

The Economy

Every dollar you spend on timber stays in the local forest economy. Conversely, 78 cents of every dollar spent on imported fossil fuels leaves the country and the region. Oregon and Washington are the number one and two producers of softwood in the nation. When you include Idaho, this region produces more than $11 billion in annual wood product sales. Lumber money is very important to the Pacific Northwest, and heating your home with wood is a great way to use local, sustainable resources and keep your money in the pocket of your own economy.

What It Means

Choosing a wood boiler is a great way to help the environment, help your local economy, and help our forests prosper. Here at Greenwood, we make some of the finest, most efficient wood boilers on the market. Call us today about installing this incredible, sustainable heat source in your home!

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