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Customer Profile
1,800 sq ft house
Manitoba Canada
20s °F Avg. winter temp.
Mixed radiant in-floor and forced air

Before Greenwood:
$400/month electric heating bills while consuming 5 cords of firewood

After Greenwood:
All the heat the family needs burning the same 5 cords

Greenwood Installation
In shed attached to Garage
Hooked into existing mixed forced air and radiant in-floor heating system
Greenwood Model 100

Why Brad L. Loves His Greenwood Furnace:
$1,500 saved each year on electric heat
Clean air, happy neighbors
The joy of seeing a clean, efficient burn

Brad L. of Manitoba was passionate about using his wood stove to help heat his 1,800 sq ft home. But Brad was frustrated that his electric heating bill was still sky high. Burning through 5 cords of wood each winter seemed to have little impact on bringing down his $400 per month heating bills.

Brad researched replacing his electric boiler with a wood boiler to power his central heating. He chose a Greenwood Model 100, high efficiency, clean burning, wood boiler now installed in a shed attached to his garage. The heat is pumped throughout his home via a mixed radiant-in-floor and forced air system.

“My neighbors know that I burn wood, but the Greenwood burns so clean that smoke has never been an issue.”

Being a good neighbor is also important to Brad. He says, “my neighbors know that I burn wood, but the Greenwood burns so clean that smoke has never been an issue. It doesn’t take a lot of wood to make a great hot fire. I can open up the door and see so much energy and flame coming off of a piece of wood.”

When Brad is away from home his wife stokes the fire. “I explained the theory, less wood is better and we all see the results. My wife has no problem loading it and keeping it going. My two boys that are 10 and 13 absolutely love it.”

By taking advantage of Greenwood’s high efficiency wood boiler Brad now only uses 5 cords of firewood for all his heating needs. “Last year I saved $1,500 on my heating bills,” says Brad.