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Customer Profile
1,500 sq ft house
Denton, MD USA
30s°F avg. winter temp.

Before Greenwood:
$3,300 winter heating bill

After Greenwood:
$550 heating bill for entire season

Greenwood Installation
Integrated with existing oil boiler heating system
Greenwood Model 100

Why David W. Loves His Greenwood Furnace:
85% savings on heating bills
Easy to operate
Plenty of heat

David W. from Denton, MD was excited the day he first discovered the Greenwood furnace. He didn’t think such an appliance existed—a furnace that delivers all the savings of wood fuel combined with the convenience of thermostat controlled central heat and in-home operation.

He installed a Greenwood Model 100 high efficiency, clean burning, wood boiler in his 1,500 sq ft home right next to his oil fired boiler. The Greenwood provides all the heat his family needs.

“My family loves our Greenwood. It provides all the warmth, without a lot of bother.”

David appreciates the fact that it is so easy to maintain. He only needs to load his furnace twice a day and empty the ashes once a month.

The Greenwood integrated directly into his existing heating system, which gives him the flexibility to use his oil boiler as backup heat whenever he travels or is away from home for more than a couple of days.

The family’s oil bills have dropped 85% –from $3,300 to $550 for an entire heating season. David says, “My family loves our Greenwood. It provides all the warmth, without a lot of bother.”

“I’ve been very happy with my furnace,” says David. “I absolutely recommend Greenwood furnace.”