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Customer Profile:
3,000 sq ft house
Pawcatuck, CT USA
20s °F avg. winter temp.
Radiant in-floor

Before Greenwood:
$3,000 annual home heating oil bill

After Greenwood:
$700 annual home heating oil bill; complete warmth

Greenwood Installation
In-house (basement)
Hooked into existing radiant in-floor heating system
Greenwood Model 100

Why David G. Loves His Greenwood Furnace:
77% lower heating costs
Easy to install and operate
Warm, happy family

David G., his wife and two sons live in a 3,000 sq. ft home in Pawcatuk, CT. A wood stove in the family kitchen helped offset part of the annual heating expense, but the family still faced annual $3,000 bills to fuel their oil furnace. The daily cleanup of wood debris and ash tracked across the kitchen floor was also wearing on David’s wife.

“There must be a better way,” David found himself thinking. He wished he could combine the cost savings of wood heating with the convenience of central heating provided by his oil boiler. He found his solution in a Greenwood Model 100, high efficiency, clean burning, wood boiler. The Greenwood Model 100 is now installed in the family’s basement. Heat is pumped throughout the house through radiant in-floor heating, providing all the heat the family needs.

“I love my Greenwood … everything has been engineered so simple.”

David is proud that he found a way to combine the cost savings of wood with the convenience of central heating. His wife enjoys the consistent warmth throughout the house and the option to turn up the thermostat without having to worry about fuel bills.

Best of all, David and his family have reduced their oil usage by 77%, to less than $700 a year. “I love my Greenwood. The customer service has been superb. Everything has been engineered so well and simple”, says David G.